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Thriving Families

First 5 Santa Cruz County strengthens families and promotes resiliency by addressing the socio-emotional development of young children
through parenting support. 

Young children need the security, confidence, and trust with the adults responsible for their care to develop their growing ability to regulate emotions and behavior. Children who have secure relationships with their primary caregivers are able to engage in learning and develop meaningful relationships throughout their lives.

Loving Son

First 5 Santa Cruz County works to increase the resilience of young children and their families, improve parenting practices and parent-child relationships, increase "social capital" (relationships and connections) of young children and their families, and decrease child abuse and neglect. 

First 5 Santa Cruz County Programs:

Triple P- Positive Parenting Program

In 2010, First 5 Santa Cruz County invested in bringing the world-renowned Triple P- Positive Parenting Program to Santa Cruz County. Triple P is available to families who have children ages birth to 16, including children with special needs. Triple P is a comprehensive parenting program, supported by 30 years of research, which promotes good communication and strong relationships between parents and their children. 

Families Together

Families Together provides an alternative, voluntary and prevention-focused way for Santa Cruz County to respond to reports of abuse and neglect received by Family and Children’s Services (FCS).  Families Together is voluntary for families, and their home visiting program includes comprehensive intake and risk assessment, development of a tailored case plan, parent support and education, child development activities, and periodic assessments. 

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First 5 Santa Cruz County is dedicated to giving children the opportunities they need

to reach their full potential

©2020 by First 5 Santa Cruz County. 

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