First Tooth,
First Birthday
We know that the long-term health benefits of good oral health practices during the first years of a child's life are important not only as babies grow into toddlers, but as they develop lifelong oral health routines like healthy eating and brushing.
In collaboration with Oral Health Access Santa Cruz County (OHA), First 5 Santa Cruz County is proud to champion the First Tooth First Birthday campaign, and spread awareness about the importance of getting little ones to the dentist by their first tooth or first birthday, whichever comes first!
​“The progress OHA has made, would not be possible without the dedication of many including those that have gone above and beyond in their passion for expanding access to oral health care, demonstrating an outstanding personal commitment to improving oral health for the underserved,” said David Brody, OHA co-Chair and Executive Director of First 5 Santa Cruz County.
Need to find a dentist? Click here to visit the County of Santa Cruz, Oral Health Program for a list of dentists who accept MediCal and other affordable options.