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Level 5 Enhanced and
Level 5 Pathways Training

El contenido está solo en ingles en este momento. Una oportunidad de entrenamiento en español estará disponible este otoño. Mas detalles próximamente.


Description of Service:

  • Enhanced: support parents to build their emotional resilience & address partner conflict

  • Pathways: support parents to build their emotional regulation skills & decrease risk of physical or emotional harm to their children.

​Prerequisite: Accreditation in any Level 3 or Level 4 Triple P program.

Training DatesSeptember 10 -12, 2024  9:00 – 4:30 (8:45 on 1st day)

Pre-Accreditation: September 24, 2024  9:00 – 4:30

Accreditation (full day):  October 9, 10 or 11 , 2024  AM: 9:00 – 12:30 / PM: 1:30 – 5:00

Register by: August 21, 2024 to receive the training materials prior to the 1st training day.


  • After submitting a registration form, First 5’s Triple P Program Manager will follow up to confirm your/ your agency’s commitment. Once the written agreement is signed, you will be added to the roster.

  • All Training, Pre-accreditation, and Accreditation sessions will be held on Zoom.

  • The Zoom link and training materials will be provided by Triple P America prior to the first training date. Materials will be shipped to the business or residential mailing address provided in the registration form.

  • Each practitioner will be assigned to (or sign up for) a full-day Accreditation session during the initial Training. First 5 Santa Cruz County recommends blocking off all Accreditation dates in your calendar until a specific date has been confirmed by the Triple P America trainer.

Training on local evaluation procedures: Date/time TBD


Overview of Level 5 Enhanced & Level 5 Pathways Triple P

  • Enhanced Triple P consists of four different modules (Practice Sessions; Coping Skills; Partner Support; Maintaining Progress & Closure) delivered in 3-8 one-on-one sessions. The modules address family factors that may impact and complicate the task of parenting (e.g. parental mood, partner conflict). Parents can choose which modules to complete. Enhanced Triple P can be offered to parents who completed a Level 3 program (one-on-one or brief group) or a Level 4 program and post-assessment results indicate they could benefit from extra support to make or maintain changes in parenting.

  • Pathways Triple P is an intensive program for parents who have difficulty regulating their emotions or persistently misunderstand the reasons for their children’s behavior, and as a result may be at risk of physically or emotionally harming their children. Three modules, delivered in 2-5 one-on-one or group sessions, support parents to understand “parent traps;” understand the impact of their beliefs and behaviors on their children; and learn how to recognize, understand, and manage anger. Pathways Triple P can be offered to parents who completed a Level 3 program (one-on-one or brief group) or a Level 4 program.

  • Practitioners use a combination of assessments, workbooks, videos, role plays, coaching, and “homework” to help parents/caregivers set their own goals; develop and implement parenting plans that are tailored to their cultural, linguistic, and family needs; and track and maintain progress.


Minimum Service Delivery Requirement (to receive free training & parent resources)

  • 4 – 6 parents per year, per practitioner (Enhanced and/or Pathways sessions)


Interested but not sure you can meet these minimum requirements?

Contact First 5’s Triple P Program Manager, Yesenia Gomez-Carrillo or (831) 465-2203

or sign up to attend an Informational Session!

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Sign up to attend an Informational Session:​

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Primeros 5 Santa Cruz County se dedica a brindarles a los niños las oportunidades que necesitan para alcanzar su máximo potencial.

© 2020 Primeros 5 Santa Cruz County.

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